Tuesday 24 March 2015

Pasar Malam Setia Alam/ Setia Alam Night Market

I am very new in the blogging world. So hi and this going to be my first post.
So, as stated in the title, I’m going to make some reviews regarding SETIA ALAM NIGHT MARKET!!

Yeay!! Everybody just love pasar malam rite? Variety of stalls that sold wide range of items from foods, fruits, veggies, all type of meats, shirt and dresses, begs, gadget and hijabs (tudung and shawl murah and cantik2!!!)!!
PASAR MALAM SETIA ALAM ni merupakan pasar malam terpanjang di MALAYSIA!! Maybe terpanjang di asia terngara jugak kot. Mane tak nye, pasar malam ni sejauh 2.5KM from end to end. You will find yourself spoiled with various choices of food from one end to another end of the night market, making you feel indecisive of what to eat.
Located at Setia Alam,every Saturday evening from 6pm-11pm. Pasar malam ni divided into 2 sections, bahagian depan2 kebanyakanye dimonopoli oleh peniaga melayu and bahagian hujungnye pulak dimonpoli oleh peniaga cina. Sebab tu la pasar malam ni panjang kott..
So jom tgok ape yang ade dekat pasar malam setia alam ni!! Weee~

different varieties of veggies!! semuanya fresh2 and murah!! 

Baju pown ada. shoping baju sini sangat best sbb murah and macam2 design! rasa nk borong semua!! serious! i'm not lying!

Tengok! rambang mata tak??


Bababababanana!! :)

Ok ni aku suka. smbil timbang smbil makan. marah aunty ni kalau die nampak. mintak halal aunty!! :)

Cakes!! tgok cake pown dah pening. taw tak sebab ape pening. sebab tak taw nk beli yg mane! semua nmpak sedap!!

Thirst quenching!

Yeay!! Apam balik!!

Serious je muke abang ni. maklom la di requestnye nk yg crunchy tapi tak nak kacang. tak ke die kena buat custom special for me. hehe!

Mane tak specialnye, semua yg da siap ni semua ada kacang.. Maaf, bukan gedik, but i really can't eat kacang. kalau makan jugak esok mulut kalah Angelina Jolie okeh!!

Fresh seafood. Tu udang ke lobster? 

Ayam percik!

Seluar and baju2 bundle pown ade.

This one is my favorite! AIS KRIM KEPALA/COCONUT ICE CREA. Mula2 smpai dari arah maybank, kedai brader first skali. Sedap sgt! kelapa die mmg original! (kacang tu tak sempat nk pesan die dah letak. tak pe la boleh kuis2 penuh perasaan nnt)

OK! this one is really rare. pasar malam lain mmg takde. sini je ade! so, for those yg mmg kaki make up tu, ape kate try falsie kat sni! pakai buang setiap hari pown tak rasa rugi

 Longest Pasar Malam in Malaysia! :)

I been walked there dari ade matahari sampai la matahari terbenam. mane tak nye, 2.5km kot pasar malam ni. and setiap gerai nak singgah. Overall, it was definitely a pound-gaining experience, there is really a lot of stuff there, is quite hard to try all the specialties in one night. Totally worth another visit! i really recommended for those yg tak pernah datang sini. macam macam ade!!

Setia Alam Pasar Malam
Jalan Setia, Prima A U13/1
Setia Alam,
Shah Alam, Selangor Darul Ehsan 40170

I like food. I like eating. And I don't want to deprive myself of good food  - Sarah Michelle Gellar-

xoxo -D-

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